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Monday, May 30, 2011




As Birth-Day messages and messages of appreciation pours into State House from Gambian individuals, government departments, and private institutions, I particularly like this one. Please note as highligted in blue below:    "May all the dreams and wishful thinking..." of the President :). Aha, :"wishful thinking"!!!!

Your Excellency, it is with great honour for me to write on behalf of the APRC Women of Banjul to congratulate you on your 46th Birthday, wishing you many, many happy returns of this special day. May Allah the Almighty be on your side always, gives long life with very good health and many more developments ahead.

Also, Your Excellency, to the newly award by the Gambia Islamic Council as Nasiru Deen which you really deserve. This clearly demonstrates your commitment in the promotion of peace fr which Islam stands for. The development strides this country is undergoing manifest your desire for all Gambians to live in dignity, freedom and peace irrespective of colour, class or creed.

As we journey through the path of success under Your Excellency’s wise leadership. We pray that Allah the Almighty continue to protect you, keep you, guide and guard you in all your future successes and successful endeavours. May all the drerams and wishful thinking you so eagerly desire for The Gambia, materialize practically one way or the other.

Your Excellency, we the women of Banjul will continue to give you all the support you need to develop our Dear Motherland. God bless us all.

Ajaratou Kendaka Ceesay
APRC Banjul Women Regional Mobiliser