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Thursday, March 10, 2011


MARCH 08, 2010.


Debate Host: Kansas City Chamber of Commerce and the Kansas City Business Journal.
Debating Mayoral Candidates: Mike Burke (R) vs. Sly James (D)
Burke and James are two finalists from the primary elections, now face-to-face for the Kansas City mayor’s seat.
Each candidate was allowed three minutes (3 min) opening statement, three minutes (3 min) closing statements, and ninety seconds (90 sec) to answer questions.
Opening statements:
Sly James:
-          Four-year agenda-to attack the challenges facing KC systematically
-          No silver bullet- we must work together
-          Use human resources efficiently
-          Efficiency in government- education, law enforcement, safety, jobs
-          KC as one city-no North/South or East/West divides

Mike Burke:

-37 years leadership experience and results
-Has a vision of the future of KC
-attended law school
-wants to be mayor to be proud of
-wants to tell the KC story

1.      How to fix the pension system imbalance of 32 million dollars ($86M compared to $54M budgeted).
Mike Burke:
-will apply multi-year budgeting
-will adopt the Blue Ribbon Panel’s recommendations
Sly James:
-Will listen to all stakeholders
-will have labor on the table
-will also have business on the table
-will adopt the Blue Ribbon panel’s report

2.      Retaining the E-Tax (Earnings tax)
Sly James:
-E-tax is the fairest tax
-it taxes people even if they do not live in KCMO but work and use services here
-it spread costs
-4,000 cities nationwide use E-tax, mostly higher than Kansas City’s 1%
Mike Burke:
-E-tax is a fair tax
-it goes to provide basic services
-half of the payers live outside KCMO
-It is fair to put E-Tax on the ballot

3.      What if it fails on the ballot, any alternatives?

Mike Burke:
-5-year requirement for vote is draconian

Sly James:
-hopes the E-Tax passes big
-will try to bring back “Citizens Commission on Municipal Revenue
-Will encourage participation

4.      Who inspires you?

Sly James:
-Father-not well educated but has a huge heart and loved community

Mike Burke:
-Father-a lawyer
-Three mayors here in attendance (includes K. Barnes)

5.      Polsinelli-Shugart Building controversy?

Mike Burke:
-Polsinelli jobs are needed here in KCMO
-will make sure building fits their needs but also saves the plaza
-will work with Highwoods but will protect the Plaza plan

Sly James:
-prefers not to take a side in the controversy
-will mediate to find amicable solution for both sides
-will try to save existing jobs on the plaza

6.      Accomplishments?

Sly James:
-New city manager
-Will avoid Wayne Cauthen situation and the two-year gridlock that followed
-Bring back Citizens commission on Municipal Revenue
-City workers with better morale
-Change and track new jobs
-cut bureaucratic tape
-adopt sustainable technology
-fill the KC of blank-tackle disparities

Mike Burke:
-KC recognized as a cultural center-attractive to young people
-will appoint city manager on day one-Troy Schulte
-bring jobs back to KC
-KC for young entrepreneurs
-strong connection between the mayor’s office and the arts community
-service attitude at City Hall-not a regulatory attitude
7.      How to stimulate distressed neighborhoods?

Sly James:
-will utilize mediation skill
-keep and follow up promises
-neighborhoods work with the city to reduce blight
-stimulate private investment

Mike Burke:
-acknowledged last 4 years was worst
-Change housing policy
-bulky items pickup will resume
-neighborhood alliance (advocacy) to interact with City Hall

8.      Transit?

Mike Burke:
-transit system that works for people to get to work
-anticipates crisis this summer when people won’t get to their jobs in Johnson County-gas prices

Sly James:
-commuter rail
-streetcars (18th street)
-break down North/South and East/West divide

9.      Regional approach?

Mike Burke:
-tackle the urban core, downtown, and the Northland
-bring the city together
-3rd district is devastation, he acknowledges

Sly James:
-will improve representation
-asked why Troost is a “demilitarized zone” and Stateline a “Berlin Wall”

10.  City and EDC?

Sly James:
-improves EDC‘s credibility

Mike Burke:
-credibility of EDC

11.  Police Board and police department?

Mike Burke:
-budget and local control

Sly James:
-budget and local control

12.  Closing statements:

Mike Burke:
-knows what’s good and bad City Hall
-has record of accomplishments
-will be mayor to be proud of
-wants to see a sea of cranes instead of only one in KC-economic development
-KC as center for civic excellence

Sly James:
-describes himself as puzzle solver
-objective mediator-contrasts with Funkhouser years of gridlock
-promised to tackle KC as city of blank.

Kay's sidebar:
I drove in my wife's Dodge Stratus, in the light rainy afternoon, to the UMKC campus where I parked the car ( in anticipation of a parking nightmare) and hopped into a taxi to the Chamber of Commerce at the Union Station to attend the mayoral debate.
My driver to the venue was an Iranian and quickly we settled into a discussion about politics and the Gambia/Iran arms shipment impounded in Nigeria. My Iranian driver insisted that the illegal arm shipment could not have been by Iran, but a plot by Israel and America lol...
On my way back, I hopped into another taxi apparently driven by a Somali. As soon as I got in, he asked where I was from. I responed "Somalia", and he bursted into a hearty laughter. We didn't talk about the pirates though...

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