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Tuesday, October 30, 2012




According to Annie Greenberg, a web producer at Channel 41 (NBC), “social media is half marketing and half journalism”. Ms. Greenberg, during a speech to the reporting students at UMKC, underscored the importance of social media as a two way conversation for generating feedback, networking and public relations. Social media such as twitter and face-book help build a company’s brand by increasing its reach and influence, she said.
Defined as an interactive platform for individuals and communities to create and share information, social media is considered a key component in making today’s businesses relevant. When used as live tweets or face book posts, they may represent a personalized wire service for both the individual and the corporation. Unlike the traditional print media, social media is relatively inexpensive and immediately accessible. Therefore, social media is considered to have a decentralizing and democratizing effect on the way information is created and distributed. It is an increasingly important tool for those working in sales, public relations, human resource, and research and development.  Social media increases business exposure, increased traffic, and sales leads. The short headlines used in social media makes it especially suitable for marketing.
Ms. Greenberg also touched on the importance of social media in fighting crime, as well as the problems inherent in its use such as loss of privacy, defamation, copy right violations and credibility. She cited the Kansas City Police Department (KCPD) for utilizing social media, YouTube particularly, to apprehend criminals. The Courtney Love twitter defamation case was a landmark case that makes tweets (twitter posts) discoverable and admissible as evidence in a court of law. The rock star Courtney Love posted a negative comment on twitter about a fashion designer she had a dispute with. Those tweets were later admitted as evidence in a defamation case brought against the singer. Postings by individuals and corporations on social media may also be subject to copy right laws. However, postings on social media may lack the level of credibility that the traditional media forms such as print has.

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